Bathing Theory
name | Anna Teuber
occupation | Textile and Interior Designer
location | Berlin, Germany
average temperature | 22°C in summer, -2°C in winter
bathroom space | 15m2 frequency | twice a day
duration | 10min in the morning, 30min in the evening
action | showering, soaking, brushing, reading

In the morning, Anna takes a quick shower before leaving the house. In the evening, she fills the bathtub with hot water and soaks in it while brushing her hair or reading a book.
For Anna, who lives in Berlin, the bathroom is a place where she can refresh herself—it is a place that rhythms her day
Sometimes, Anna lights aroma candles and takes a longer bath than usual. Winters in Berlin are particularly long and cold, with an average temperature of -2°C.
Taking a bath to warm up slowly from the inside not only relieves the fatigue of the day, but also helps you get a good night’s sleep.
Unfortunately, there is no window in her bathroom, which makes it easy for moisture to accumulate—so the dehumidifier is always running. It also keeps bath mats and bathrobes dry and comfortable.

One of Anna’s habits is “repetitive bathing.” Multiple baths in a row, to rest and detoxify her body.
It’s a lot of time spent in hot water. In between baths, Anna makes freshly squeezed juice to rehydrate herself. During this time, she turns on the circulator for ventilation.

The ambient air of the room feels refreshing after a warm bath. Anna wraps herself in a bath towel or a bathrobe and walks around the house in the morning light. She usually goes into the kitchen, slices up a watermelon, and adds some mint to her fresh juice.

In Berlin, it is not common to hang laundry outside, and drying clothes indoors is standard. A dehumidifier with four wheels for easy mobility, and a circulator with a sterilizing effect can be used together in the living room, to efficiently dry clothes and prevent smell from indoors drying.

Anna Teuber
TEUBER KOHLHOFF is a textile and interior design studio, co-founded with Anna’s friend, Franz Kohlhoff.
The brand, named after their family names, produces kitchen towels, beach towels, and cushion covers with unique patterns, in collaboration with a network of architects and textile mills.
友人のフランツ・コフロフとスタートした、テキスタイルとインテリアのデザインスタジオTEUBER KOHLHOFF。

Anna is the type of person who reads multiple books at once. Today’s book is The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak, a Turkish-British author. Anna prefers to read this book at home, rather than carrying it with her on the road.
並行して何冊もの本を読むタイプのアンナさん。今日の一冊は、トルコにルーツを持つ作家エリフ・シャファクによる『The Island of Missing Trees』。持ち歩いて移動中などに読むのではなく、ゆっくり自宅で読みたい本なのだとか。

Love at First Sight
With this green cutting board, it was love at first sight. Anna saw it at a restaurant in town where she was having dinner with a friend.
She wanted it so badly that she convinced the owner of the restaurant to give it to her.

Berlin Apartment with Small Balcony
Because it is not usual to hang laundry outdoors, many apartments in Berlin have relatively small balconies. But opening the window to change the air is also a good idea after taking a bath.

product name | ROOT 7100
size | w327 × d207 × H682mm
weight | 12kg
room size | ~27m3 (50Hz) or ~31m3 (60Hz)
color | cool gray, white
Movable Dehumidifier
The ROOT 7100 dehumidifier is a compressor type dehumidifier that can be used in humid rooms for people like Anna: people who frequently use the bathroom and do not like humidity, people who cannot dry laundry on balconies (just like in Berlin), people who dry their clothes indoors to prevent pollen and yellow sand. In addition to its powerful dehumidification capability, it has a total of three different functions, including a clothes drying mode, a disinfection mode, and a deodorization mode.
The unit also comes with handles and wheels, making it easy to move between the bathroom and the living room, for example.
湿気を吸い取って、さらりとした空気を保つコンプレッサー式の除湿機〈ROOT 7100〉。アンナさんのように1日に何度もお風呂に入るのが好きだけれど、風通りが悪く、湿気が溜まりやすいバスルームに設置すると快適な空間になる。衣類乾燥モードも備えており、バルコニーやベランダに洗濯物が干せない場合や、花粉や黄砂対策で室内干しが多いライフスタイルで活躍する。

product name | STREAM 1800
size | w276mm × d237–276mm × h323–330mm
weight | 3.6kg
room size | ~52m²
color | white, cool gray
Antibacterial Circulator
This circulator not only has the power to blow air, but also enables space sterilization by incorporating a catalytic filter and an ozone generation unit. Unlike fans, this item can be used throughout all seasons, because it is designed for efficient air circulation.
It can be used to prevent mould in bathrooms which have no windows and are prone to moisture accumulation. When used in parallel with a dehumidifier, it can shorten drying time for laundry indoors and promote deodorizing.
コンパクトでありながらカドーが独自で開発したファンで32畳の広さでも確実に風を届ける送風力を備えたサーキュレーター〈STREAM 1800〉。特筆すべきは送風機能に限らず、触媒フィルターやオゾン生成ユニットを搭載して、空間除菌機能を併せ持っていること。