Love that Keeps


name | Theresa Marx, James Soden
occupation | Photographer (Theresa),
Sales (James)
dog | Leroy (mix of Lakeland and
Plummer Terrier)
age | 19 months
home | London, UK
favourite park | Clissold Park
in East London

Leroy is a one year and seven months old Lakeland Terrier and Plummer Terrier mix. He is very good at pawing.


Theresa and James started living with Leroy in 2021. At the time, London was in lockdown because of COVID-19. They heard that the low-concentration ozone gas emitted by SAP 001 had a disinfecting effect, so they decided to place the device in the living room, thinking of Leroy, who was only 12 weeks old.

テレサさんとジェームスさんがレロイとの生活をスタートさせたのは2021年。当時のロンドンは、新型コロナウィルス禍によるロックダウン期間中。〈SAP 001〉が放出する低濃度オゾンガスには空間除菌効果もあると聞き、生後12週間とまだまだ赤ちゃんだったレロイのことを考えてリビングルームに置くことに決めた。

When Leroy was young, he had a habit of chewing on many things, so the interior wast kept simple. However, Leroy’s chewing habit was solved when he was about one-year-old, and now Theresa & James are in the process of creating a living room with their favourite furniture.


Theresa’s studio is about 15–20min drive from her home. When James is working, she sometimes spends the whole day here with Leroy. As it is sometimes used as a meeting space, Theresa uses the SAP 001 sterilization and deodorization device here as well, out of concern for Leroy’s smell.

自宅から車で約15~20分の場所にあるテレサさんのアトリエ。ジェームスさんが仕事の時は、ここでレロイと一日中過ごすことも。打ち合わせスペースとしてゲストが来ることもあるため、レロイのニオイを気にしてここでも除菌脱臭機の〈SAP 001〉を使用している。

“We’d love to fly with him someday, but I don’t think I can take Leroy with me on a plane for a while yet,” James says. They are planning to drive across the Straits of Dover to Europe this fall. A LEAF Portable was recently placed in the car to make long car journeys more comfortable.

「いつか一緒に飛行機に乗って遠くへ旅に行きたいんだけど、まだしばらくはレロイを連れて行けそうになくて」と話すジェームスさん。この秋、車でドーバー海峡を渡りヨーロッパを旅する計画を立てているとか。 最近車内に〈LEAF Portable〉を導入したのも長時間の車移動を心地よくするため。

Theresa Marx

Theresa Marx is a photographer from Germany who works for fashion magazines such as Vogue, and for advertising projects. Together with friends, in 2021 she launched an interior brand called PROJECT 213A.

テレサ・マルクスさんは、ドイツ出身のフォトグラファー。『VOGUE』などのファッション雑誌やブランドの広告の撮影を手がけるほか、2021年に友人たちとインテリアブランドPROJECT 213Aを立ち上げた。

James Soden

Born in Birmingham, England. James is currently in charge of sales at a furniture store in Shoreditch, one of the hottest areas in London. “When I buy things, not just furniture, I try to choose well-designed, high-quality products, even if they cost a little more.”



Leroy is a mix of a Lakeland Terrier and a Plummer Terrier, and is now 1 year and 7 months old. When he wants to be held, he goes to Theresa, and when he wants to play with a ball, he goes to James—just like a child.



Project 213A is an interior design brand of which Theresa is co-founder. Flower vases designed by Theresa are lined-up on the shelves that reach up to the ceiling of the studio. This kind of storage came from the desire to create a space where Leroy can play as much as possible.


product name | SAP 001
room size | 16m²
size | φ170mm × h350mm
weight | 2.3kg
color | silver

Deodorize Everyday Odours

Concerned about Leroy, who was born during the COVID-19 lockdown, Theresa and James placed the SAP 001 sterilization and deodorization device in their living room. Despite its simple appearance, the device emits a low concentration of ozone (which is safe for the human body) to break down bacteria, viruses and odour-causing substances in the air. It achieves sterilization and deodorization by resolving odour rather than masking them with other scents. In addition to creating neutral air, it also removes Leroy’s smells and odours that have permeated the room, so Theresa and James use it in two different areas: their living room and their working space.

コロナ禍によるロックダウン中にともに暮らしはじめたレロイを心配して、テレサさんとジェームスさんがリビングルームに設置した除菌脱臭機〈SAP 001〉。シンプルな見た目に反して、人体に安全な低濃度のオゾンを放出し、空気中の菌・ウィルスやニオイの原因となる物質を分解。匂いを別の香りで隠すのではなく根本から解決して、除菌と脱臭を実現する。ニュートラルな空気を作るだけでなく、レロイの気になるニオイや室内に染み付いたニオイも取り除いてくれるため、テレサさんとジェームスさんは自宅のリビングルームとアトリエの2箇所で使用している。

product name | LEAF Portable
size | φ66mm × h180mm
weight | 500g
ight source | LED
accessories | USB Type-C connector
color | mortar black, silver, gold

Purified Air, Anywhere

Leroy jumps in the car when Theresa travels back and forth between her studio and home—he also joins her to distant photoshoot locations. LEAF Portable is installed in the drink holder of the car. From May to July, grass pollen is very heavy in London, and Leroy, who loves playing in the park, brings back a lot of pollen into the car. The LEAF Portable not only removes pollen but also dust and PM2.5, creating a clean environment inside the car even with the windows closed.

アトリエと自宅の行き来や、撮影で遠方へと出向くときに使用する愛車。車のドリンクホルダーには〈LEAF Portable〉を設置。 5月~7月のロンドンは芝花粉がひどく、公園が大好きなレロイも花粉をたくさん持ち帰ってくる。花粉だけでなく、ホコリやPM2.5なども除去してくれるため、窓を閉めたままでもクリーンな車内環境を生み出す。